Tuesday, 1 November 2016

People I met on the way #2

As promised, here are a few more people who helped make my trip so memorable. This post is for folk I met in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

Village patriarch, near Gisenyi, Rwanda.

Boy with bananas, Gisenyi, Rwanda.
Woman and child with Lake Kivu in the distance, Gisenyi, Rwanda.

Yannick Ngabo, 19, a former member of the Rwandan national cycling squad, who took me on a bike tour around Musanze.

Gentleman with henna-dyed beard chewing chat (a mildly narcotic leaf) by the roadside in Harar, Ethiopia. 

Men playing dominoes by the main square in Harar, Ethiopia.

A young wedding guest plays up for the camera in Axum, Ethiopia.
A girl takes a break from looking after her donkeys in the fields outside Axum, Ethiopia.

A girl and her goats near Axum, Ethiopia.
A super-friendly priest holding a processional cross in a rock-hewn church at Lalibela, Ethiopia.
Hirut, a schoolgirl from Lalibela, Ethiopia.

Sisay, my guide during a hike to the mountaintop monastery of Asheton Maryam, Lalibela, Ethiopia.
Daneal, a history teacher from Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

Bruktawit and her daughter at Meskel celebrations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.