Saturday 10 September 2016

A wartime treasure trove

Regular readers of this blog may recall how I visited the Dutch Resistance Museum in Amsterdam a few months ago. I was hoping to find a copy of the underground newspaper my Uncle Frans helped produce during World War II, at great risk to himself and the rest of his family, to counter the Nazi propaganda in official newspapers of the time. Alas, I left the museum empty-handed - but a few weeks ago my cousin Pim was looking for something in his attic when he stumbled on a wartime archive left by his father, my Uncle Frans. It turned out to be a real treasure trove. Not only does the archive include copies of his newspaper,  De Kroniek (The Chronicle), it also contains letters from fellow Resistance members and Nazi documents (probably forged by the Resistance) such as a form stating German soldiers were forbidden from confiscating Frans' bicycle because he needed it for carrying out essential services. There's also a letter in which he is reprimanded by his friends for being seen in public when the Germans were looking for him. I've photographed part of the archive so I can study it at my leisure and translate it for family members in New Zealand.

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